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Monday, June 13, 2011

Born with silver spoon..but eats with her own HANDS...

June 11 , 2011

Hansikah surprises me again with her sense of autonomy . Usually i will spend my WHOLE weekend  with hansu, since i could hardly spend anytime during the weekdays .

Hansikah...The poorest eater...I usually spend an hour to feed her 1 idly ...14 months old gal eating 1 idly ...taking an hour for that ...Really tiresome....;(

I noticed a surprising behavior dat day...she was opening her palms towards me telling .."mm.."...So i thought i could give her a piece of idly ..I placed it in her palms ..After i gave her a instruction , "hanshu aaaaaaa potukko....". She tried to bring that idly piece to the tip of her fingers , grasp it strongly , then put into her mouth with so much ease ....

When she did that , i was so shocked , but was VERYYYYYYYYYYYY HAPPPPPPPPPPPPY from inside ....I continued the same way until she completed her 1 piece of idly ...It was a half hour job dat dat and i was flying in the air with idly plate in one hands and hansu in the other hand like a SUPER-WOMAN....

So nowadays , i feed her the same way...Not many a  times my trick works ..But sometimes it does...so i am happy for that "silly discover" ...

Every Monday , hansikah knows that i will  leave her and go to office . So once she wakes up , she will somehow cry , roll on ground and do wat not to climb over me ....

So i will try to escape from her telling some stories or leaving her to my hubby ....So i will leave her down on the floor and try to escape ...But contrary to my expectation , this gal has learnt more brillaint skills than me ...when i try to lay her down on the floor , she is clinging to my lap tightly .....Thats interesting indeed !!

Nowadays hansikah tries to frighten the dogs which usualy comes when i feed her on the varandah...

She like  a brave soldier will frighten the dog , waving her hands saying "chu chu ..po po "....But once the dog startes moving towards her , she will run towards me and hug me giving a noise "bau bau...." .

More naughty things to come ...keep waiitng for more enjoyments  ...


  1. Lovely da... Keepp writing...!!

  2. Ha ha ha... What a cute expression... Love the photos seen in every post... !!
