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Monday, July 18, 2011

I Luv U :-)

July 15 , 2011

        Nowadays i call H and say ..."show me ur ears" ....She will slide down near my face showing her ears  and she will wait for me to whisper something ..I ll whisper "luv u Hanchu..." Then she will turn to other side showing her ears again ...i have to whisper again "Luv u ..." ...Then if i slide down and show my ears to her ....She will come near me and whisper "lalalala" and smile ...

        The famous Hindi Number  of the season is "Dingha dingha Dingha Dingha dingha Dingha ...Yey ...Lingha Lingha Lingha  Lingha Lingha Lingha ..." ....When i start singing this song ...she surprised me singing the same "dingha dingha dingha" and giving a HIP Dance ....

WOW ...dats was a great show ....;)) Keep dancing ;)

H addresses her cousin bro as "Thambhi" ...Cho Chweet sister....Its really cute to watch her calling him by that name...H tries to lift him ...H dresses him....gives him milk in feeding bottle...Wat a caring sis H is ....;)

Yday she was giving him practice to walk...Lovely to watch it actually ....

H nowadays shows a cute behavior...She will do mischief...Slide down her face ...and look me thru her eyes with her eyeballs sideways ..............hehehehehehe....very funny to see that ...

Keep smiling ;)

1 comment:

  1. vow deeps... hansu is becoming very sweet, naughty daughter and caring sister.
