Hey Buvi , it was a great food yday night .....many many kudoos to u my dear .........
Followed by get together dinner , we are planning to make nitya play a treasure hunt and we will hide the gifts in different rooms and make her pick each of her gifts ....Lets see how it goes.....
The hint i am planning to give is either of the person who is giving te gift or the room of the person....Mostly simple hints ly ...
Ur suggestions are most welcome to either identify u or ur room ......I will share my clues also for the hints to treasure hunt....
Just out of my mind i am giving it...so if u have better ideas , pls do reply to me friends ....
The game starts with cake cutting ...but no cake cutting ..1st Hint will be in The cake knife only .....
den treaasure hunt of gifts follows ------> ann room------->ravi room -----------> vani room ------------> yamuna............> surya room--------> sheela room ------> buvi room ----> sudeep room---------> anisha room---------------> vinod room
The hints are here .....
1. anisha.sivakumar - Its ur only keralathhu CHANGATHI ..Guess who am I ??
2. anntheresa.samuel - Her name signifies "mother of love , generosity, She helped d needy and sick all over d world .Guess Who am i?"
3. bhuvaneswari - .....Olli kuchi udambhu kaari ...otti kitta udumbu kaarriii....Guess Who am i ???
4. dinesh, prabu , ravi , arun , vinod , logu -} since d gift to be placed in Ravi s room ....so that we can make her roam around d next building also ....
The hint is - Its d person who is sooooonnnnnnnnnn going to be a SWEEET dad.....hahaha ;) Guess who am I ??
5. sheela - Ur Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy close friend Who shares ur joys , fights , sorrows , jokes ...Guess who am I ???
6. sudheep.vaidyanathan - The home where the cute little swan (HANSiKAH) keeps flying always
7. yamuna - The CAKE IS so ________________???????? Guess who am I ????
8. vanitha - Meaning of the hindu name Goddess Saraswati Guess who am I ???
9. Suresh - May be we willll keep in Vinod room - Home which was always a place of entertainment , joy , movies , chatting , eating , dancing etc etc.....................................
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