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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"A/C Ingha..." - May 2 ,2011

May2 , 2011

The Agni Nakshatram has started playing its rudeness.....Chennai is so hotttttt that even in evenings , there is no cool breeze at all....Sweat Sweat Sweat ...;( So as soon as i enter my room with hansikah in my hands , the first thing i do is switch on the AC ..This is the routine thing i do ....I observed a day dat hansu was keenly observin the things i did ....So just like that asked her a question ..."Hansu AC Enghaaaaaaaaaaa???" ..To my surprise...immediatley she replied ...pointing her fingers towards the AC.."INGHA".....hehehehe ;) I was just demonstrating it to my hubby and gave a smile with PRIDE to him sayin "Kalakraa yen ponnu !!!!"

May 3,2011

Usually after coming back from office , i will make some animal sounds to hansu ...Till that day she was a passive listener..But that day , sudeenly when i said "aatu kutty " she tried to imitate me "maaaeee maaeee" ..."Doggie wen i said ...instantly she says "bau bau" ........maadduu ...maaaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaa she will say in stern voice....hehehehee...."epadi kaka epadi kaathhum ....ka ka ka ka ka" ...she ll keep on repeating ....Surpising indeed !!! 2 horns grew in my head making me a PROUD MOM ....heheheehhe ;)