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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Ohh my Silly Mom ..."

May 16 , 2011 :

I can remember lots of times , my mom used to feel sad whenever i fell sick . I used to say my mom ..."Hachooo....Silly amma... All is well amaa ...I will be fine soon maaa" ....She will start giving me a lecture of advices which is very irritating at some point . But now ...........

I realize the pain as mom when ur child is hurt or sick..

It was 8 pm ...I got down from my  auto and after long wait in the traffic crossed the busiest road .  I was slowly walking towards my home trying to get some quick fresh breeze .On the way i happened to see my maid . I heard the maid saying "Hansu did not eat anything at all...she just had just 2 spoons of rice.".My heart became heavy with grief ...My slow walking changed to FAST LONG LEAPS...

My mind was echoing "Run run to hug ur child..."...My mind was imagining the scene i would encounter as i entered the home usually .....I will peep and see from outside calling "Hansu maaaaaaaaaa" ...She will immediately turn to see me with a BIGGGG smile and shrill "Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" voice ..She will immediately start strolling towards me like a soldier .........

But to my dismay , i dint find hansu in the hall....My eys was searching to see her ...she was sleeping peacefully in my bed ....i want to hug and kiss her ...But still do not want to disturb my tired little doll...

I was hurrying to finish my cleaning work before she wakes up...I refreshed myself , folding all the clothes and putting them to shelves...wen i heard a voice calling "Ammmaaaaaaaaaa" ....i rushed to carry her into my arms and give her a BIGGGG KISSSS.....

She rushed towards me from bed and i carried her into my arms ...brought her to my room.....Then came the moment when i could realise the pain of a loving mom and how much i would have scolded my mom for being  silly at my sickness....

Hansu was licking her lips continously....When i saw that , just tried glancing at her upper lips..It had a red cut...The moment i saw that tears rolled out of my eyes ...Donno from were the tears came in...But i just crying at hansu like a child .....

It is just a silly cut (not really ...hehehe)  that she got hurted herself  falling down on the floor...But for me i could not control my tears at all.....But my cute little swan was just glancing at me... I was still weeping like a baby before her....Her reaction was conveying  something to me ....."Ohh my Silly Mom " is my wild guess...

The same reaction which i had given my mom when she felt sorrow at my illness ...Now iam in that same moment ....

Mom 's emotions towards her child has no words to describe ...Its all to be felt internally ....Enjoyed first time the pain of a mom when her child felt hurt..

                         .....................More eggs to hatch and chicks to fly .....keep waiting ....

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  1. I think this will be one of your best moments with hansikaah deepu.
    I am feeling my mother's affection through your story.....
    Keep writing more about hansu.
    We are eagerly waiting to read.

  2. Thanks lots sakthi ..;-) I wish u all the best ;)

  3. These re the best and lovely moments de... Njoy the motherhood! Soon she wll wipe ur tears and make u smile!

  4. Hehehe ...;) Thanks siva...;)
