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Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Feb 27,2012 :

Hansu helps me in arranging vegetables in fridge..She knows “tomato , potato , carrot , beans etc etc.. I perfectly njoi when she helps me in my fridge arrangement .
            And in fruits she names apple (her top favorite one) , orange (she herself peels and eats ) , vayaipam (banana – she pronounces so fast..hhehehe) …Cute cute…sema cute….
I place a dustbin in the corner of the room to put all the wastes . Its really good to see that she always puts all her waste papers inside the bin and says “alambhiyudu…(wash my hands) …thoda thoda ..(dry hands) ..My gal is growing so fast…Hmmmmm ;))
She dances with her hips shaking and jumping all nowadays for kuthhu songs …”kalasala kalasalaaa…..” is her favorite now…

She wants to dress on her own and undress on her own…Wondering to see how she manages to put her hands inside tops …hehehehe ;)

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