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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Amma Kaapatthu...Appa Kaapathuu...Patti Pappathhu...Thatha Thathatthu.."

March 2 , 2012:
            We both do our morning prayers after bath..She will sing “hare rama hare Krishna song with me as “Hayae ama haeyae ma..hayae…kisna…haeyae..” ..So Chweet to listen to that…;) In night when we do our prayers , she will pray for all of home members “amma kapathuu , ppa kaapathu , paati paapathhu , thatha thathathhu.., pemma kapathu , peppa kapathhu, beech (sabrish her bro )  kapathu….latchu kapathuu…So beautiful to see that actually..she will then “gn sd sai sai” an sleep…our day is done ;)) 

Always there is some ambulance or fire engine going in the street . She correctly says the word “ambuanace.” now. She also uses “disturbance” English words…Donno from whre she learnt it…
Finally she has developed the habit of not looing in the bed during afternoon naps …she loos only after waking up in toilet..;)) Great improvement ..Proud to share …
And now a days she tells all rhymes “kua kua vatthu…dosai amma dosai…amma inghe va va…nila nila odi vaa….twinkle twinkle..ba ba black sheep…etc….the list goes endless….she loves learning nowadays….hehehehe ;)) Happy to teach her new things everyday ..

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Hansu's milestones here... Keep writing dear !!
