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Monday, April 23, 2012

My Lil Dolly ‘ s 2nd Bday Party

April 5 , 2012 :

Finally I am on to scrapping of my  Hansu 2nd Bday Bash….

Me and hubby decided  we should invite all of his friends since he is close with guys of all levels(junior to senior).

Last year(Hansu 1st bday)  happened in India and we had his parents for taking care of Hansu so that we could plan very well for the bash. But this time since we are in Belgium ,only we had to take care of her as well as bday plannings .

Planning started from design of invite card , count of invitees , choosing  easily preparable tastier food for dinner , selection of décor items for the party , hansu and our party dress etc etc….

I chose few bday posters from Google Images . For other decorations ,I  was just thinking where to buy colour papers from . Suddenly an idea struck me . Thanks to  Paint Application for helping  us . Just used fill colour tool of various dark colours and took print out of  it all . Vaa Raee Vaah to that idea !!! ;)  

Finally INVITE CARD (thanks to  my  bro who designed the card ) was sent  to all his friends .

So my hubby took  print outs of all bday posters and all paint colours from office.  We went out that evening to get chips  , choco cup cakes , biscuits , orange juices for serving as starters to all the friends .

Then after long long discussions with mother and mother-in-law decided to  serve milk kesari and  spicy pongal (both made out of rice) as dinner .   

Our friend in the neighborhood helped us in preparing Brinjal sambhar (Gotsu ) for serving as side dish for pongal.

I  finished dinner soon dat night and we made hansu sleep at 10 all . So we are on to decorating the home .

We stuck  all  the bday posters here and there on the walls . We then used  the colour paper printouts and carved her name “HANSU “ on the glass door .

And the clock   struck 1 when we finished  décor . Still happy to see our home decorated well for the party next  day .

Next day my hubby promised to reach home at 3 , but as usual he was  just late by 1 1/12 hours .

Before he came , I had bolied rice for both pongal and kesari . After few  tussels  for  being late , we put hands together and were on to preparation  of milk kesari .

Finally the orange coloured milk kesari garnished with cashews and raisins was ready .

Then jumped on  to quick quick preparations of pongal . It was also ready  hott hott….

Then our friend Suresh helped us wit spicy hot  Gotsu as planned .

The plates were washed and stacked .

We three then did a quick dressing . Hansu was as usual looking  simple , pretty , cute , chweet , beautiful ….hhahahaa hahahaa…No words to describe  my  cute Little Princess That day …

The cake was arranged on a center table with a ‘2’ candle on that .

The crowd gathered at 8.30 although we had scheduled the get together at 6.30 pm . The cake was cut by hansu  with lots of laughter and songs around her .

The cake was delicious . It was  served to the friends. Then guys had their starters like juice , biscuits , cup cakes and chips .

Then we  had some snaps and  chit  chats . Then finally dinner was served to  all of them . I  could  see both the dishes came out very well since most of them had 2 or 3 helpings .

All friends praised the décor , dishes… All were great for the day .

Hansu then received lots of gifts . The most cute one  was a greeting card designed by on of the kid (Avanthika) . It was so cute .

Then the gals here made Hansu wear the cute  dress they  bought  for  her bday . It was so cute  and  hansu was rocking in that ….hehehheee……..

She was giving different pose for photo in that short dress . Gals made  her  dance around with  that  dress .

It was so much fun that day . Hansu was all running and jumping around seeing so many people around her .

Thanks to god who made the day great day . and thanks to my Little princess who did not even disturb us throughout our décor or cooking preparations .

Luv u lotts Hansu ;))) God Bless u ;) 

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