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Thursday, June 14, 2012


Apr 15,2012 :

It was a sunny breezy afternoon .  I was as usual in my full protected woolen wear . And  Hansu was cuddled to param . We were coming back from hospital..It was a general check up for Hansu.

I was pushing the param when suddenly Hansu popped her head out and started chanting the rhyme …dingdong bell….

There was a crane on the way back …In “ding dong bell..” rhyme video , it starts with a bell ringing on a lorry . She has correlated the crane anchor with the bell and started saying that rhyme…Sema presence of mind …;)))

Hansi has finally started looing in the sink ..I understood that she can inform me that she feels to loo . So took advantage of the situation , have blackmailed her showing the vacuum cleaner (that it will suck the dirty gals) . Mam now informs me rightly when she wants to loo and  we both run towards the sink .

Happy that she learnt how to do big job and loo in the sink…Proud of this actually . ;-)) It’s a great milestone we have achieved  together.

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