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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Knock the door before u enter a room ”tok tok tok”

May 7,2012

I usually ask her to taste the food before I start feeding her lunch..She instantly replies “Some salt needed”.

Watever scoldings we use while conversing with each other , she observes very well the stress of that word and replies the same word to us ;-) So its very important to carefully use words when she is around .

Hansu has good memory power. She identifies all S frenz by names….awesome...nithu,bubi,rabi,arrrna,chumi,ann,anee,ammu poochi anna ,suchesh
uncle..(nithya,bhuvi,ravi,aruna.,sumi,ann,aneesha,yamuna,vinoth,suresh) etc..

When Hansu knocks someone s door , she ll yell “tok tok tok…hansikah vandruken..kadavai tharangha…”


  1. Well-mannered Hansu !! Where does this trait come from Deepa? Do you knock doors before going in? ;-) ;-)

    1. Emreen...Hehehehehe..It has come from her rhymes book ;0)
