June 3 , 2012:
One day after having lunch , she was taking chocolates from
the fridge . Meanwhile I was setting bed
for us to have our usual afternoon nap . We both laid down when suddenly she
pointed out saying “fridge not closed amma” .
Surprised to find it opened , she remembers to remind me to
close before we sleep . She indeed has a good presence of mind .
Another mischievous activity of Hansu happened dat day. A
friend of S had come to play with Hansu one evening . She then after playing
with her for an hour started to her home .
When suddenly she found her keys missing . She was
searching..searching…when I whispered in her ears “Hansu key engha pattu…” She
to my astonishment whispered back in my ears “Inside the sofa ma”. Finally we found the keys there inside the
sofa hidden by my lil princess .
Hehehe……She describes my napkins as “amma s pampers” …
Now, I am making her eat along with me in the afternoons .
From May 24 , she has started eating along wit me for the lunch .
Cute pose.. !!