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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hansu ‘s CraftWork

June 24,2012 :

Its habitual for Hansu to sleep on her appa ‘s stomach in nights .That one night she disturbed her dad so much that he scolded her in the morning . Once he is back from bath , I was astonished to see her cutie matured behavior .
She was explaining to her appa that she wont sleep on his stomach from tonight onwards…here it goes “appa…madila paduthukka mataen….thalaganila paduthukren
That’s all all his anger flew away within seconds . And I could both appa n daughter sharing thousands of kisses to each other.

If I say something wrong , she will instruct me “correct a sollu amma” .

Me n Hansu nowadays engage in doing crafts. I cut n give her various shapes and colors and we made tractor , house etc etc …Here are hansu s masterpieces…hehehehehe ;))

Hansu wishes all of her appa s friends when they are leaving to office in mornings saying “Good day…Bonju..”

Whenever I instruct Hansu to remember the things she had done in that day and narrate to her appa when he is back from offc …She remembers various activities happened during the whole day and narrates everything to him .  

One day there were some coins left over in the sofa. Hansu picked it up and my hubby hastily ran to pull it from her explaining its dad ‘s money . Then immediately to his astonishment she returned the coins placing it in his pants pocket saying “bathrama vaecukko (keep it safe appa)”

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