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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Where are God ‘s legs ????

June 25 , 2012 :

We went to the commune here to collect our white card when Hansu suddenly pointed out something and queried me “amma ..ummachi kaal engha amma(where are god ‘s legs)” I was puzzled .about her question . I was enquiring her the reason she asked me that query when she replied pointing out at a statue there ..It was built only half , till the hip and the legs were missing . So I said “The legs are inside the hole hidden beneath…Then she was shooting her next question immediately “ummachi ottai la vizhindhudadha?? (Wont the god fall in that hole?)”

June 27,2012 :

Hansu nowadays puts the socks an shoes on her own . She sits comfortably in sofa , stretches her legs , puts her socks on , then buckles her shoes . It’s a wonderful sight to watch at.

Hansu eats with her own hands . So after finishing her lunch , she will pull the chair near the tap . She stands on that , washes her hands and then cleanses her mouth also..Hansu is growing…But still my heart treats her as a lil baby …Wat to do ???,…Its mother s heart and only I can understand those feelings that I keep cherishing each and every action of hers.

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