Oct 3 , 2012 :
Me and Hansu were sleeping in the bed in the afternoon .
Suddenly my mobile rang disturbing our sound sleep. Without being sure whether
the mobile is ringing in dream or reality , I picked up the mobile . It was my
hubby s call . But the news is a great excitement for us . Yes !! Hansu has got admissions in a French School .
She was so much excited and happy . She was all ready to go
to school on the first day , Oct 5 , 2012 . Since it was the first day we took
couple of snaps of Hansu . She prayed god and then started marching towards the
school like a warrior .
We both took her into the class and we left her . She was
crying like anything . She was just saying “Amma pls don’t leave me and go” …
Tears rolled out of my eyes . Yes !! I realized I was really
crying after longgggggggggggg time in my life . I was just peeping peeping and
seeing her through the door stealthily .
Her teacher assured me she will take care of Hansu and
carried her in her arms . I was feeling so much painful handling my lil doll to
some other stranger who is going to be most important person in her life
therafter .
Still Silly mom s mind cant stop hearing the crying voice
echoing in her ears . I was crying n
coming all thru my way back home .
3 hours of her first day schooling , I was feeling very much
lonely at home . I was calling my mom and enquiring how many days I was crying
and going to school . Same I enquired
with my mother-in-law also . It was 5 days for me and 1 month for my hubby .
I think Hansu will take my HUBBY s side …;((
I rushed to pick her up half hour before the destined time .
In home , I prepared friams for her which she loved the most . I decorated a
box with smileys and photos of Hansu stuck all over . I packed the friams in
that decorated box . I was waiting near the door very eagerly to see her .
Thousands of questions were running in my mind . How would she react on seeing
me …;( ;) ;)))) :/ ………..Just waiting for the moment for the door to open
I could hear crying sound of a child “Amma kitta
ponum…Ammaa..” I donno really Iam hearing voice or it was my imagination ????
It was 12.00 pm . The Blue door was opened by the teacher .
All the parents were rushing to pick their children . I was trying to push them
and see through the crowd whether I can see my lil purple doll seen
I could just hear her crying “Amaaaaaaaa”. My heart started
pumping , my eyes were craving to see her .
Finally she came crying and in all tiredness . I carried her
into my arms and gave her lotttsssss of kisses . Then I gave her gift-friams
box . She opened it in all joy n surprises .
I had taken my diji cam to click her all thru the way back
For first 2 days she was in a very bad mood . She did not
talk to anyone , lost all her mischief.
I was worried lots about the change in her behavior . She
was so angry at us that we left in her in an anonymous place - FRENCH SCHOOL.
On the third day , I was surprised to see a PINK BALLOON in
her hands wen I picked her up in school. I was so surprised and shocked to see
that .
She is always afraid of balloons and the creaking sound it
makes . But that day I was happy to see her
making creak sound and fearing others .
She would not share anything happening at school . I
discussed with Indian parents around me . They said its usual behavior of kids
, but slowly they will change .
To my surprise , she shared few things with me after few days ….That she
did gymnastics , did coloring with green pencil , she played in the garden etc
Her mood is changing nowadays towards positive note . And
today after Halloween week holidays she has gone back crying crying to school…
Let me see wat she does and shares today…….Keep waiting …
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