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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hansu Schooling goes happier ;)

Lots of changes in Hansu s Schooling Attitude now a days ...I thought that i should share with u all...........WHO ARE REALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HER BEHAVIORIAL CHANGES towards schooling  ;))

Yes..It goes on like dis ...

Nov 3  , 2012 :

2 weeks back we would say all lies in the world that we are going to atomium Park , Park in Central to make her wake up and get her ready to school. 

Each morning  Me and Sudheep will carefully use each and every word that "SCHOOL" never ever comes in our conversation . 

Each morning we both will deeply plan wat place to tell her convincingly so that she will be happy to start there getting ready without crying . 

And 2 weeks back i could notice the First MILESTONE change .... Ya... While returning back from school , she would run and come towards me happily carrying her bag . She did not cry or weep ;)) 

She would immediately say "I was crying the whole day in school" just to upset me or convince me that she was unhappy . I believed the first day . But next day i played a prank against her .  I understood her tricky behavior  ...When she said she was crying the whole day in school , I just responded saying "But Miss is saying Hansu was a very good gal in school today
. She was coloring happily , enjoying with all friends ..????" Then Lil princess said "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ...

From next day , to my surrpise Lil Hansu did not give that reason when she was returning from school . 

Hansu s tot must be " Indha trick amma ta inimae palikadhu pola irukaeee ?????????????????????? "

Nov 12 , 2012 : 

A week back ...SHE had reached her 2nd MILESTONE .Yes ...When i go near the school , she usually has the practice of running back from school towards the road crying ....But to my surprise , last monday she was not resisting to walk towards her school. She silently held my hands, slowly strolled towards her classroom . She removed her gloves , scarf and shawl and placed all in her bag and went inside the class silently . 

Her teacher told her something in French , She immediately turned towards me like a brave soldier and waved a BYE ........But eyes full of tears and her lips weeping silently . 

Nov 15 , 2012 

Today to my surprise she has reached her 3rd MILESTONE tooo..............Yes today morning wen i left her in school , she said a bye and she joined her friends there to play . 

Her eyes usually would be craving to watch me through the door . But today she said a bye And she did not look out for me ...i am happy My LIL HANSU is growingggggggggggggggggggggggg ;))) LUV HER LOTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

And of course this is going to by next blog now ....And i am very thankful to u alllllllllllllllll who made this day possible for us . 

Initially when she was in very depressed mood , it was POOCHI N LOGU who would encourage her in all means in making her go to school . Logu especially would make Hansu mention her Friends names , ask for dat day school  happenings etc etc ......we missed u lots LOGU after u went from BBF especially HANSU ...

And Poochi usually a BUSY MAN in offc comes only late from offc . Still he manages to enquire about Hansu s school daily . He always gives a positive advice to me "DONT STOP HER FROM SENDING SCHOOL.......SOON SHE will be OKIE " ....And today that has happened POOCHI . Thanks 

Then.........Bhuvi....no words to say...She will dance ,sing , tell all stories in the world to Hansu and convince her in making her go to school.. Thanks Buvi 

  Vinutha , Vanitha - Playing , singing , fighting , dancing with Hansu as always . Making her say french rhymes all....encouraging er as always .........Thanks Va n Vi ;)

And last but not least - Sheela JIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..............

She is always a source of courage , positive attitude , and confidence for me n Sudheep related to HANSU s schooling . 

Whenever in the morning , our door opens at 8 to drop her to school. There would open another door immediately O3RS ...dats SHEELA Ji ....She will say a "BIG BYEEEEEEEEE...Hansu Good day .........." with BIG SMILES.......

HANSU will be very happy to see her sheela aunty in the morning before going to school . 

Thanks Sheels for that support from u ....

Ohh....i forgot about Ravi...

The guy who was initiallly fearing Hansu about school (Playfully....) ..But it had an impact though...Slowly he also encouraged Hansu going to school by playfully irritating her as always .......Hansu loves it anyways ......Hahahaha ;))) 

Thanks all friends 

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